I have been telling these fools from time indefinite to stop posting on LSA "anonymously". Condi used to be an avid member of LSA in the old EG days. Her rumored screen name was "Curious Too". She has since scrubbed all of her information from the site. Why was she here in the first place? Back in the old EG days those girls were beyond messy. Condi was a part of the crew. What makes you think she has turned a new leaf? She hasn't! She has 2 main buddies that I KNOW is getting classified information. They are "Os'Ruh" AKA "Ruh". Yall know "Ruh is a prefix to her government first name. This second is "Big Tina" AKA "Quisqeyana". The old reformed whores are keeping up mess on Lipstickalley. In fact, the person who Condi gave the 2nd Rights to is Ruh. Yes, I was ill informed. Condi still owns the site but got RUH as a partner. Ruh had administrative access to the entire site.
VBulletin will not give up the names of site owners, however there is another tricky little demon that will give up government names and addresses of site owners.
I LOVE DETROIT.....for more reasons than one
"...old whores ..."???? The only whoring Big Tina is doing is at the nearest Dunkin' Donuts.
ReplyDeleteI don't see a problem with having RUH co-run shit. Ruh has managed to stay out of LSA drama. I don't see how big tina fits into the equation.
ReplyDeleteand maybe she has turned a new leaf because she obviously saw the profitable value of LSA. Isn't she a mother now? She posts a lot of informative information on LSA. If condi were just a bird running shit, she'd be more active in other boards instead of posting interesting news articles. Go ahead condi, do your thing
ReplyDeleteI been trying to tell yall Condi is a messy bitch
ReplyDeleteI am going to stop giving this shit the privilege of my click. I thought it was OK to be messy. And here you go with subliminal shit. NVM.
ReplyDeleteI really thought it was "more after the jump".
What is ruh's name, and fat big tina's real name?and how do you figure they are keeping up BS. I make up Bull shit on LSA all the time. Just to keep shit going. Sounds like you took a page out of my book However sometimes I am telling the truth.
who the fuck is betty boop and why is she trying to start shit?
ReplyDeleteWord is... Betty Boop aka Bonnie is Tracey Waples. hmmm...............
ReplyDeleteLMAO.. This is Betty Boo. I dont kno what the fuck yall talking bout.
ReplyDeleteChile Bonnie couldn't be Tracey Waples on her worst day!!!!!! Bonnie is one ghetto busted bitch from philly with a fat outta shape body and a dusty wig. Tracey Waples she'll never be!
ReplyDeleteCTFU and u know all this how? ^^ But thanks for your hater insight.Hater hoes have hater kids. Break the Cycle boo.
ReplyDeleteBish's.. i do not live in Philly far from Fat, Never have i ever worn dusty wigs.Real Talk.If you gonna talk Shit.Atleast be Honest.Let's not distract the obvious. By posting anonymous.
Bags take ur stealin ass 2 bed..All da stores are close. cover ur sticky fingz until tomorrow ..lmao
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete^^^^^lmao "all the stores are closed" Flatline--------------
ReplyDeleteIf u have nothing to backup your allegations on Bag stealing.I sugguest u stop running that shit in the hole. Cam, take your ugly black ass 2 bed Hoe.When is the wedding?
ReplyDeleteCan you back up her not stealing? If not STFU, and log off.
damn blog admin is deleting comments in here? what did someone talk about you and you caught it in time?
ReplyDeleteThis website is be deleted.. somebody is trying to start a new messy lsa fromspring.
That formspring does not work
ReplyDeletePM me Bag's mugshot, I hear it's floating. LMAO fat ugly thief she is!
ReplyDeleteLMAO hi Bags!!! You'sa thief! So sad
ReplyDeleteBags was arrested for stealing hair gel for that crusty lil richard hairdo. bama ass lmfao!
ReplyDelete^^^Bonnie you funny!
ReplyDeleteDont Bonnie u funny me, I like Bags, i dont talk shit about Bags, never did. That's her BI.I really wish i could prove to all the bishs, that i have no care in the world regarding there personal life.Anything i say will indeed be followed By Bonnie. Everybody swears that im behind all of this messy shit, and I'm not.
ReplyDeleteany body got something to say or ask
stop lying bonnie, your nonspelling ass all up through this blog and so quick to respond. fake ioffer messy bish. Bag & photo clowned your fake loubies so I knnow you talking shit back.
ReplyDeletewhat ever u say hooker...I dont buy fake shoes bish i go to the bank and withdrawl funds out of my hubbys buisness account and go shopping , something u might not never know how to do,Why u so angry that a bish can actually purchase real ones and post them.Where u loubies at hoe?dont be envious hoe. stop sucking dicks for free .BONNIE
ReplyDeletewhile u saying bags and Photo clowned me, over some shoes, when did this happen?Again stan, if i have something to say , i will say it followed by Bonnie... cause i aint scared of none of these bishs . i damn sure aint of scared of a screen name. u better ask somebody bish, i beat bishs up for fun.please if u have something to say , say it with ur own screen name. dont be afraid.
ReplyDeleteStop trying to distract this messy blog , by talking bout lil ole me.I probably hurt ur Efeelings one day. Get over it bish.*Shrugs*If i have any thing to say i will say to that person.No need for me to talk shit incogneato.tha'ts what real bishs do. something else u will never know any thing about.Stan!
please Bonnie you're out of shape, the weave is tragic, you can't spell, you spend the whole day shopping on ebay buying fake sh*t
ReplyDeleteeverybody clowned you when you posted those lepard loubies. you so bootleg you couln't even tell they were fake
lmao^^ u funny as shit. When did me and u hang out Boo? U really upset about those CL .Yeah they Fake. They so fake that i wore em 2 times. and they sitting in the shoe box with the other 7 pair's CL that i dont wear.Spell check is always available.Even to u boo. Bwha .Weaves, dont have a weave boo. i pay good money to get my own hair done on a weekly basis.Please stop repeating ur self,U sounding really upset about shoes.
ReplyDeletewho doesnt shop on Ebay... whats wrong with shopping on ebay?You know me so well. u should know ..thaT I live 20 mins from a huge mall. that has plenty of stores, NM sells CL. and i know plenty of people...that work at these store by first name.Nothing is fake about those shoes, u just mad bish.
ReplyDeleteClearlly u have never purchased a pair of CL , because if u have u wouldnt be calling a real pair fake. Sucks to b u Ma.I Feel sorry for u .U have no self control..no self esteem . and u posting incogneato.just a Scarey ass hating mislead bish with no life.Poor baby!
ReplyDeleteprotest all you want. when you posted those shoes ever body laughed at you. Go back and look at the thread, when Bags posted her real shoes yours were different it's as plain as the ugly on your face
ReplyDeleteEverybody like who bish u? and the haters? come on now. like i said u must have none, if u did u would know what real and fake look like bish. enough already with the shoes, and the fake formspring page. U so predictable. lies lies and more lies.Your negative energy is not putting a dent in my real life at all. u wasting ur time boo.Just like u do with everything else in ur life, a waste of a person.Worthless skeet. there not kae bish, but u really upset about those CL i see. Go make a thread so i can repost the shoes..So u can pin point knockoff. Bish u dont have any..that's why u dont know the diff.
ReplyDeleteDamn bonnie yo fake ass pressed and look a fool.
ReplyDeletelmmfao at "I go take money out my mans business account and go shoppin"
ReplyDeletewhatever you try so hard to make people believe you a pampered housewife. You need way more people.
I'm a lurker on lipstickalley ... I know Bonnie irl ... she is NOT even married.
ReplyDeletewe know chile, she's married like she's half jewish and half sew indian
ReplyDeleteDamn Bags still argue ova CL's ?ur life must sick.Grow up!
ReplyDeletewho wants to see my marriage license?Bonnie asking LMAO.yes the real Bonnie.keep talking boo. yall making me E famous.CTFU You know me???what kind of car do i drive??what is my hubbys company name?How many brothers an sisters do i have? the only thing u hoes ever said that was right about me..is that i'm half jewish ,and my credit score is excellent.Dont forget( i posted a pic with me and my family on my wedding day).Stop the lies bishs, U dont know me,i dont have any girlfriends on a messageboard.All my friends are teachers,mothers.classy bishs...they would never do this.Why u madd boo?let me stop doing so good so you could stop hating so hard.LMAO
ReplyDeletelast but not least , i try so hard for who and what ,bish u dont know me for riding clits.. cause i dont have any friends on The alley , all u hoes that are in here talking shit under anyn, are bishs that i shitted on before hard. It's ok boo. i understand ur frustration with life as u living a hard one,This is my last response to this Crazzyness.. imma let somebody else have they turn. U go head with ya bad self. i dont ride clits and i dont give a fuck if u like or dont like me. What have u ever done for me to have an opinion and or a thought on what the fuck i do? I cant even believe im entertaining this shit.FOHWTBS, u hoes dont know shit about me. Stop fucking making up shit.. the bs lies u posting,is making u sound jealous. u are a coward..like nobody knows that 90% of this stuff posted is made up half of the truth hate.filthy ass Skeet skeet bishs.*turns and looks at my ring* ha ha
ReplyDeletepost the marriage license then.
ReplyDeleteGet your girl Probowl to fax over some legal papers LMAO. 2 full essays aint gonna make anybody believe you. I bet you drove away in your 09 Secure BWAHHHHH. I bet you wore your special Mac makeup to your "wedding"
^^^^^LMAOOOO Lighteyes is that you? If Bonnie knew how desperate she look in every cheap shoe she's ever posted, she would just stop. We laugh at you Bonnie, it's so sad, you've been exposed over and over. Fake ioffer purchases, used ebay loubies, old floors in that rented house. Girl just leave it alone and live within your means. WE won't be mad at you for it. Truth hurts.
ReplyDeleteBonnie is NOT married.
ReplyDeleteProbowl is NOT married.
She got really quiet when we asked for the license.
ReplyDeleteDo you and your "hubby" double date with Pro and Stan?
LMFAO . where am i posting MY ML @ and when are u going post a thread under ur real screen name??why are u so obessesed with my shoes,makeup, my life ? where my money was spent? Me and Pro dont live in the same state.Make a thread so i can post my ML, my floors ETC .U really stressed about my fabolous life.CL make u go crazy boo. shoes dont make me. A bad bish like me can wear forever21, and still look good. I dont need clothing to justify who iam.You My dear are very obessesed with me .all the shit u talking about ioffer and ebay, wheres ur proof? Do ur homework bish, and shut the fuck up.Provide me with ioffer purchase dates, ebay purchase , something.I"m going over to the Alley and wait. Kay!
ReplyDeleteMY CL boxes say NMarcus bish.They cant be fake if the shoes box says NM 895.00 .Sit the fuck down already , 5 years later and u bishs still licking the font colors of my post.Wondering how i get mines, making up shit. u laughing at me, im laughing right back at u .That's why i cont to post. laugh :eek: click reply and so on.Post a thread , Or shut the fuck up.
ReplyDeletelol at KNS going off in here by herself. you seemed real pressed for a person who doesn't take message board that seriously. let the haters hate - or are you just trying to validate lies???
ReplyDeleteExactly, everybody and they mama been talked about on here. Bonnie the only one in here fightin trying to prove something.
ReplyDeletethat proves she's a fraud.
Kill da noise.Ever1 is well aware that Bagnista, Bonnie , Red Duchess and Who?me? r all frauds. They r the epitome of "black girl lost".Trying 2 keep a fake internet image is too premature for my taste .
ReplyDeleteMe and Stanley are marvously happy. I am a lawyer too. So sTFU bishes.
ReplyDeletePro shut up you are not married to that man.
ReplyDeleteBag got real quiet after she was exposed. Bish couldn't post nan loubie a second time around. Photo left her manless stealing ass in the dust. El'Rican don't fuck with her or Red either, they can't keep up.
ReplyDelete*Hey Photo & Rican*
^^Bonnie you hate Bag & Red huh? Tell em why you mad.
ReplyDeleteBag got real quiet after she was exposed. Bish couldn't post nan loubie a second time around. Photo left her manless stealing ass in the dust. El'Rican don't fuck with her or Red either, they can't keep up.
ReplyDelete*Hey Photo & Rican* <<---. I was waitin 4 Photo & Rican to drop bagz ghetto ass .Bags &Reds were 2 damn ghetto .Did Photo expose her ?
no one is going to comment about probowl 2.0 aka honeykiss? bitch joined in 2008 and just started posting for the first time last month and it's all BS. Claims two males fonts are fuck buddies and that one of them is a falcons player and that she has a restraining order out against him.
ReplyDeleteYou bitches arguing over fake shoes and whether or not somebody married??? For real?!?!?!
ReplyDelete^^^^ yup, and your silly ass is up in here lapping it up like a dog. lol.
ReplyDelete^^^Sho'll da fuck is LOL!