I see she changed her name to 'Legendary'. She is the epitome of someone without a real life who uses a message board for validation. I can't imagine sitting on LSA 24-7 going back and forth with little girls I don't know. Clearly you can tell she's a lonely girl with no life and nothing going for herself but an e-life on a blog site. If you not reaping any real benefits from something, why devote all of your time to it? I think it's pathetic how loser females like Legendary waste away their youth searching to become somebody on a gossip site.
Let me school my blog readers ( in my Ruh washed up hoe voice). Learn to capitalize off of what you enjoy most. It's pointless to be broke and lonely like 73% of the chics on that site. I have 3 degrees, a business, a man and a few sponsors. My life is click tight so I can afford to blog and capitalize off the ignorance of LSA hoes. So ladies, get out there get your shish together and don't let insecurities keep you at the level of lost souls like Legendary, Java, LadyAtlien ( that profile outfit is tacky as hell), Supanovah, et al.